Where moms and kids learn to play and interact in a nurturing, loving way. Folk songs, finger plays, story books, and circle games delight children as they have for centuries. Leave the digital, plastic world behind and come to a place where human touch is the best teacher. Nestled safely in beautiful music, is the curriculum that is a sound beginning.
This fun curriculum is specifically designed for ages 0-4 and their parents. By providing a solid music and preschool foundation, Sound Beginnings prepares students for success in Let’s Play Music and Kindergarten! The curriculum is organized into four non-sequential semesters. Each semester is four months long and provides experience with important music concepts and skills through different songs and games. Classes include singing, movement, games, stories, and activities, focusing on different concepts each semester.
A parent and child interaction class that provides experience in singing, percussion instruments, movement, stories, and activities. Develop intelligence and confidence in your preschooler in a setting of music, play and parental nurturing!
AGES: 0-4
- In-tune singing and harmony
- Instrument timbre
- Steady beat and rhythm
- Classical music theme and form
- Preschool concepts
- and more!
- Held once a week
- 30 minutes in length
- 15 lessons
- Runs for 4 months
- Parent attends every lesson
- classes begin in August and January
- Mesa 85208
- $140 for one child for one semester*
- $180 family rate - more than one child enrolled*
- *may be paid in four monthly installments
CLASS BEGINS: August and January
MATERIALS: CD, simple percussion instrument, and activity book
“{Sound Beginnings} has exceeded my expectations. It packs so much into each half hour class with an understanding of what it takes to keep preschoolers engaged and interested in musical activities. I am convinced that {Sound Beginnings} and Let’s Play Music will lead my two young children to musical success.” - Kristin C., Parent
Why Sound Beginnings?
Bond Parent to Child
A child learns when a child feels loved. Sound Beginnings provides the structure, tools, insight and understanding to parents that opens the door to an optimal learning environment.
The Music Window
Take advantage of the Music Learning Window when children's brains are the most capable of absorbing information. Music in the early years not only stimulates synaptic connections in the brain, it also encourages development of rhythmic processes.
Develop Talent
Scientists and educators suggest that a "musically talented" person is so, not because of genetics, but because of a musical environment at a young age. All children are musical by nature, but need some guidance to refine their natural interest into skill. Sound Beginnings is focused on developing the musician already present within each child by internalizing the elements of beautiful music.
A More Humane Human
As individuals and children study and participate in music, awareness grows, appreciation is cultivated, sensitivity is nurtured, self-esteem thrives, creativity and expressiveness flourish, and an aesthetic sense develops. People with these qualities are a benefit to others and to society in general!
Smarter Kids
Extensive years of research indicate music is magical, especially when it comes to the effects of brain development! Music offers enhanced brain functioning, decreased learning and discipline problems, better social skills, and superior communication skills. It promotes cognitive development as well as abstract thought. This includes topics such as reading, math, and even creative thinking.
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